- Sarah drilled through stomach after drill goes through carseat upholstery.
- Michael has FOR SALE sign stake shoved into chest.
- Pizza Girl run down by killer and drilled to death.
- Juliette electrocuted in bathtub with electric vibrator; seen later in garmet bag.
- Tom left for dead after having legs cut with chainsaw. Eventually dies later on; seen dead, pressed up against an outside window.
- Weirdo found dead in basement with something in mouth.
- Duncan has stomach slashed with drill.
- Frank falls on the floor after being hit over the head with drill.
- Janine jumps through glass door where she falls and is then drilled to death.
- Maria drilled through probably chest.
- Ken (killer) drilled to death by Jackie.
- Diane dies after being stabbed with knife and badly beaten by the killer.
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