This is my first interview with a SHM star!! And it happens to be the one that scared the crap outta me with his ghost story in the movie... Vinnie Bilancio who played John! I want to thank Vinnie for doing the interview, along with my friend James who hooked me up!
Q: How did you get started in acting, and how did you land the role for SHM?
A: I started auditioning Senior year in high school. I studied film, television and theater in college. At the same time, I also performed on stage, in public access cable shows and wrote/directed a Public Service Announcement. After moving to California, I acted in a play at the Canon Theater for 9 months.
I answered an ad in DRAMA-LOGUE which happened to be for SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE. I auditioned and landed the role.
Q: So, what have you been up to lately?
A: Lately, as an actor I have worked with William Shatner in SHOOT OR BE SHOT; starred in a thriller called THE SCREAMING (which I also helped produce; it's a great flick, you should check it out); I wrote and directed my first genre piece, KILLERS EROTICUS. This summer I was the Director of Photography for THE FOUR DIRECTIONS IN HOLLYWOOD, a documentary. I shot John Woo (director of MI:2, FACEOFF and the upcoming WINDTALKERS) and Tom Bee (The first ever Native American Grammy Award Winner). With my girlfriend, Natalie Noel, I wrote, directed and starred in a short erotic thriller for Fox Search Labs, called NIGHT VOICES. It's a very sexy piece and should be through post by mid-November.
ps Tony, go to my website and find THE SCREAMING; NIGHT VOICES will soon be posted there too; maybe even the John Woo interview!
Q: What made you audition for SHM?
A: I was 18 years old, there were beautiful girls involved and it was an acting job! What more incentive does one need?
Q: Carol Frank (director of SHM) created a surrealistic feel to the entire movie, esp. the dream sequences. What was it like working with her?
A: Carol Frank is a strong visionary with a gentle hand. Of course, I think she should have covered me more...(smile)...I would like to work with her again.
Q: What was it like working with the cast and crew?
A: SHM was my very first film. I was terribly thrilled because everyone on set thought it was my 3rd or 4th film and it was only my first! I was excited throughout the entire process. It was wonderful to sit in a dark theater and see my work on the big screen.
Q: Do you have any on-the-set stories?
Naturally I have "on-the-set stories," but they're gonna' cost you...(smile).
Q: Do you feel that your death in SHM was too abrupt and your character should've had more screen time?
A: Of course my death was too abrupt! I should have lived to save the girl and kill the monster!
Q: Do you keep in touch with anyone from SHM or know what they're up to today?
A: Actually, Tony, your website has provided me with an invaluable service. I had lost touch with just about everyone in SHM until you found me. Thanks for that.
Q: What do you feel has been your best piece of work?
A: In THE SCREAMING, I am the romantic hero and the Associate Producer. It's a cool flick and girls like it. To this point, it's my best acting/production work. But, currently I'm tackling many projects, so the best is definitely yet to come!
Q: Did you enjoy working with comedians/actresses Margaret Cho and Janeane Garofalo on Sweethearts?
A: Yes. They are both wonderfully gifted actors and great fun to work with.
Q: Camp Blood has certainly gained a cult following with many horror fans. What are your views on that project?
A: I don't believe it's my best work and my girl-friend won't see it because she's afraid of clowns (!). However, Jeff LeRoy is a talented and exciting filmmaker and I'm glad people are enjoying it.
Q: Do you like scary movies?
A: Yes. I like that I can be frightened without being emotionally affected. We have a responsibility toward children however, who might be too young and impressionable to tell fact from fiction. We need to shield them from fears and protect them from nightmares until they are mature enough to understand the difference between make-believe and reality. Personally, I prefer movies which are campy and non-realistic. Sadly, the world we live in today is far scarier than any movie in recent memory.
thank you very much for your time and interest. It is because of dedicated people like you, that independent filmmakers like me can continue to create.
I hope the answers are clear and concise. If there is anything which needs clarifying, please do not hesitate to let me know. Also, if there is any further information I can provide, ie: clips from NIGHT VOICES, sound bites from the John Woo interview, stills, whatever, please feel free to ask.
And please let me know what you think of THE SCREAMING.
Best Regards,
Vincent Bilancio
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